Monday, September 10, 2012

Month #8

This is Christina's concentration face

First time in a shopping cart without the car seat! Getting so big!

She loves this play-center! This beautiful quilt she is sitting on was made by her great-grandmother Laura Warren! Thank you Laura! Christina loves it! (I will post a better picture of it another time)


She would do this every meal if I let her!

Penn State Girl!

 This is what happens when Ben gets bored...

If you can believe it we have actually eaten meals sitting around this little girl like this!

Month Summary (7 months old):

Three naps a day and waking up once at night to eat. Nursing every 3.5 to 4 hrs and eating solids twice a day! She said her first word this month...MAMA!! Yay! Toward the end of the month she also said "dada"! Still not really sure if she knows what those words mean, but we love it anyway! This month she started making a clicking sound with her tongue; so funny. She has also started to master picking up finger foods--although releasing the food into her mouth is a challenge. She learned to get onto her stomach from a seated position. She started to crawl the day before she turned eight months! Crawling army style and reaching her arm way out to get what she was after. What a busy month!

Likes: Eating solids, diving into food bowl, sitting up, and necklace/jewelry

Dislikes: Getting her nose wiped

1 comment:

  1. These are great pictures! Love the leg warmers! She has been very busy this month, I love watching her get around!
