Saturday, April 14, 2012

Month #2

Christina in her crib with her lamb


Christina absolutely loved her first bath and subsequently every bath after that.

FUN FACT: Christina got her first bath and smiled for the first time all in the same day!

Before and After

Ben likes to comb her hair back; she definitely looks like a different baby that way!

This was my first and only attempt at taming her hair by putting Gel in it. As you can tell it really didn't work to well!

Summary of 2nd Month:

Christina would wake up to eat every three hours and then go back to sleep not long after. This month she started moving her arms and legs like she was busy doing something. She started cooing and smiling this month.

Likes: Car rides, walks in the stroller, and being held close

Dislikes: Tummy time and diaper changes


  1. hehe. I LOVE these pictures! So cute!!!! I miss you guys!

  2. Lookin gooood! Can't wait for May! Jessy

  3. I must say she takes great photos. Its cuz she's so pretty. That 'Before' picture is hilarious, though. Yay for your blog - I love little Christina! see you soon!

  4. Kate she is adorable! Her hair is totally crazy I love it! Awe you are such a cute mommy.

  5. Hahaha I can't stop laughing at her hair! It is adorably hilarious. I can't wait to have you guys back in Utah!
